Sunday, February 27, 2011

Zoeller M53 Sump Pump

The Zoeller M53 Sump Pump is a workhorse of a pump at a sale price. You've made a great decision in going with a Zoeller.

Click Here to get your Zoeller M53 and save up to $50!

Okay, so talking about a sump pump may not be very glamorous but it is soooooo necessary. When you have a sump pump that gives out and your yard or your basement or whatever floods and destroys your stuff it is not a good situation.

You want a pump that you know you can depend on and you hope that you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for it.

Well, I did a lot of research and I can tell you, you could pay three, four, five, six hundred dollars for a high dollar sump pump but here's the thing... you don't have to.

If plumbers and contractors tell you that they use the Zoeller sump pumps themselves then you should probably take that as good recommendation. I did.

This little mighty pump can remove 43 gallons of water per minute and can pass 1/2 inch solids. No more worrying about your pump freezing up because the screen is clogged. It's like a little tank! You can feel how solid and well made it is.

  • 1/3 HP cast iron housing with plastic vortex impeller and a 9ft. power cord
  • Powder coated epoxy CI and SS fasteners
  • Oil filled motor with thermal overload
  • Cast switch case, motor and pump housing with powder coated epoxy finish

If you want a completely cast iron pump with a cast iron impeller you may want to go with the Zoeller M57. The M53 has a plastic base and impeller.
You will pay about $25 extra for the M57. Not bad at all.

If you need more reassurance then do what I did and read all of the reviews. They are pretty impressive and truthful too. That's how I found out that I can probably expect to have to replace the switch on this pump but it is very easy to find a replacement switch and it is not very expensive.

Click here to check out the reviews.

Now, of course after I decided to go with the Zoeller I started researching price because that's what I do when I shop online. I checked all of the well known pump stores, ebay, Amazon, all of that.

This pump isn't incredibly expensive but you can still save up to $50 over everyone else's price if you head over to Amazon.

I wish you and your stuff a safe and dry season!

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